Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Thank You for visiting the first post to our blog!  We are excited to have the opportunity to learn and share in conversations centered around improving and maintaining good health.

In 1999, my son was diagnosed with an aggressive bone cancer, Ewings Sarcoma.  We are blessed, however, in that after a year of chemotherapy, 33 surgeries and countless hours of physical therapy, our son is still with us.  I, too, am a cancer survivor.  After being diagnosed with testicular cancer, I had surgery and radiation treatments.  My mother suffered with many health issues, but her life ultimately ended early as the result of diabetes.  I tell you this only to let you know the perspective from which I view the importance of keeping healthy.  I've seen first hand the effects of being unhealthy, and am passionate about helping everyone I can avoid that path.

The Standard American Diet is just that - SAD.   Chemicals and highly processed foods have taken over in nearly everything we eat.  In spite of what we feed ourselves, our body works hard to maintain a neutral PH (slightly alkaline) state.  But that balance comes at an extensive cost as it pulls essential nutrients from our body and inevitably becomes detrimental to our overall health.

The vast majority (90%) of diseases will thrive in an acidic environment, but yet are unable to survive in an alkaline environment.  When you consider that nearly everything we eat and drink is highly acidic, you can understand why our society is becoming overrun with a variety of cancers, obesity, inflamation, heart and kidney disease and many, many other life-altering health issues.

At Crossover Health and Wellness, we recognize that without our health we have nothing.  We are excited, and duty-bound, to share with you how we can assist you in obtaining an healthier life style by enhancing your alkaline diet and supplying your body with the proper nutrition and supplements.  Feel free to comment on our posts or to contact us anytime through our web site at  We look forward to learning and sharing together!  Until then, here is a very informative video that aligns with the fundamentals of how we have personally improved and maintained our own health.  Enjoy!

Crossover Health and Wellness
"Take the next right step"

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